24 January 2024 by
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In football, a clean sheet is the nickname given to a performance in which a team concedes no goals during a match or over a period of time. The expression has its origins in the English Premier League, when scores were recorded on blank sheets of paper when the team did not concede a goal. Clean sheet can therefore literally be translated as "empty sheet". A clean sheet is often the sign of an effective and efficient defence. According to football experts, the goalkeepers with the 5 best clean sheets in the history of the game, in order of performance, are:

1-      Gianlugi Buffon (501 clean Sheets)

2-      Edwin van der Sar (440 clean sheets in 951 matches)

3-      Iker Casillas  (440 clean Sheets in 1048 matches)

4-      Petr Cech (397 clean Sheets)

5-      Pepe Reina (358 clean Sheets)

Just as these goalkeepers saw their performance allow their team to concede no goals despite the attacks of the opposing team, you too, in the match of your destiny, need a high-performance defence and an outstanding goalkeeper to achieve clean sheets from now on. For a long time, your destiny's defence was porous and let every ball through. The slightest attack from your opponents and your whole defence was in disarray, and you conceded goals galore. Every attack by an opponent in your camp is a goal. In spiritual terms, these attacks are: sin, temptations, difficulty, illness, curses, spells, celibacy, sterility, poverty, failure, death, frustration, fear, fornication, adultery, idolatry, alcohol... It's hard for you to resist the slightest little attack. If that's you, this message is for you.

Psalm 23:4 :" ... I will fear no evil: for thou art with me ..."

With the African Cup of Nations 2024 just around the corner, I have some GOOD NEWS for you. This news is that the best goalkeeper of all time is currently free of any commitment and wants to join the team of your destiny. His name is JESUS CHRIST. His record is as follows: He has more than two thousand (2000) years of competition in the best competitions in the physical and spiritual world. From the spiritual world where he proved himself (reigning with the father in heaven since the creation of the world), he was sent to raise the level of play in the physical world (he came to offer himself as a sacrifice so that whoever believes in him may have victory over sin and the devil). From Jerusalem to Africa, Europe, Asia, America and even the nether regions of the earth (because he died and came back from the dead), Jesus Christ has conquered and convinced, and his statistics speak for him. The best guardian of all time. Today, that goalkeeper is knocking on your team's door (according to Revelation 3:20). He's seen you in trouble, suffering. He knows that without him in goal, you won't be able to win any matches. Despite the feeble efforts of your attack to score goals, your defence is conceding too many goals. You're too weak and you need this SUPERNATURAL goalkeeper.

With JESUS CHRIST as your last line of defence, you'll never concede another goal. Shots, penalties, free-kicks (flaming arrows, spells and curses, premature death, sickness, spiritual death, unbelief, all the attacks of the devil and his agents) will no longer get through. He has the power to stop them all.


In its goals and throughout its penalty area flows blood, the blood that flowed on the cross of Golgotha so that you and your destiny could be purified and protected. This blood speaks, moves, threatens and forbids. This is why the blood of Jesus Christ forbids all opposing actions in its area of control. From now on, no bullet (the enemy's arrows) will defile your cage (your destiny) as long as Jesus Christ is in it.

So, are you tired of repeated defeats and frustrations? Do you want Clean Sheets in the competition for your destiny? Do you want Jesus Christ as your saviour?

Then repeat these powerful words with a well-disposed mind and with faith:

Lord Jesus Christ, on this day I am still hearing about you in a language that is familiar to me: the language of football. I now understand how important it is to have you in my life, in my goals, in my destiny. I understand that without you, I wouldn't be able to achieve anything in my life. I understand that you have already given me victory through your blood shed on the cross of Golgotha and by coming to me as I am, with my faults, my transgressions, my imperfections. I understand that you want to make me a winner, I am grateful to you for that and I want to accept you into my life.

On the basis of your words in Revelation 3:20, which read: "Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and sup with him, and he with me", I declare with all my heart that:

I (pronounce your full name) open the door to my life, to my heart. Come in and take all the space, take all the control. I accept you as my Master, my Lord and my personal Saviour, for I see that without you I am lost. You are now my only God, my only King, my only Master. I surrender myself to you.

Thank you Lord Jesus Christ for neutralising all the attacks on my destiny.


Message of Evangelist Zogbande O. Serge, Pastor in the Evangelical Church Foi et Vie Abondantes, Temple Canaan in Bingerville


Did this message make you feel good? Share it with football fans you want to win to Jesus Christ

May our Lord Jesus-Christ bless you for that. 

EEFVA CANAAN 24 January 2024
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