Blessed content for new container

29 December 2023 by
Blessed content for new container
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"Neither do men put new wine into old bottles: else the bottles break, and the wine runneth out, and the bottles perish: but they put new wine into new bottles, and both are preservedMatthew 9 :17

The year that is drawing to a close has been a very trying one, and we've had some joys but also a lot of sadness, suffered many setbacks and even been tempted to give up. In the end, we wished and prayed that it would pass, so that we could enter a new year with new perspectives, new opportunities, new visions and new graces. And we are on the threshold of this new year.


Pour les hébreux, le vin est aussi considéré comme une des bénédictions du Seigneur concernant le territoire de Canaan. Les espions y ont vu du lait, du miel et aussi beaucoup de fruits dont les grappes de raisin. 

Le VIN symbole de BENEDITIONS- Joie- Fécondité- Solidarité- Autonomie MAIS AUSSI DE - Fureur- Ivresse


A "wineskin" is a bag made from sewn animal skins that was once used as a container for liquids (water and wine). A wineskin is a container for liquids.


The new wine is the new favours, the new blessings, the new graces, the new dimension, the new capacities, the new provisions that Jesus Christ brings into your life in this new year. The new wine is the contents reserved for you in this New Year. The wineskin is YOU. The container for this new wine is you. But there are two (2) types of wineskins. Old wineskins and new wineskins.

THE OLD WINESKIN: This wineskin is pierced and torn. It can't hold new wine. The more liquid you pour into this wineskin, the more it tears. This wineskin looks like a sieve that lets all the new wine drain out. Because of its condition, it cannot bear the weight of the new wine. The old wineskin can burst and the wine is lost along with the wineskin, which becomes irretrievable..

THE NEW WINESKIN: This wineskin is still very solid. Ready to receive any new wine without breaking. In this wineskin, there is no risk of the wine spilling on the floor. The wine and the wineskin will be well preserved. It can be filled to the brim without fear.


Jesus has blessed you in this new year. He wants to make you a new vessel that will keep the blessings you have received and planned for throughout this new year. The holes in the old wineskins of a man's life are sin, lies, slander, theft, unforgiveness, hatred, resentment, drunkenness, drugs, fornication, adultery... and all kinds of vices that do not glorify the name of God. These characters, vices and practices are destined to remain in this year that is drawing to a close and not follow you into the new one. Otherwise, all the blessings that the Eternal One will entrust to you will spread over the ground and you will not benefit from them. Your condition will be miserable and you will reap death. But if your life changes. If you decide to change your life, you will keep all the blessings, graces and favours. You will not miss out on the blessings planned for you in this new year. Your life will be an outpouring of glory, success, abundance, life in all areas in this new year. We can't walk into a new dimension by hiding our ugly sinful nature.


The new wine (the contents) are the blessings that will flow in this new year. The wineskins (the container) are YOU who must receive these blessings. The blessings will be lost if you remain in vices, shortcomings, fornication and sin. The blessings remain if you become a new person in Jesus. By leaving behind vices, deceit, lies, fornication, adultery, drugs and tobacco, drunkenness, etc.…


(You will make these proclamations with a sincere spirit and you will see them come to fulfilment in your life, in Jesus' name.)

  • I proclaim that my old nature will not follow me into this new year, in the name of Jesus Christ. - 
  • I proclaim that all practices and attitudes that can prevent me from becoming a new container, a person according to Jesus Christ, separate themselves from me, in the name of Jesus-.- 
  • I proclaim that I am a new creature, renewed in Jesus Christ.- 
  • I proclaim that God's grace and favour go before me throughout this new year, in the name of Jesus.- 
  • I proclaim blessing, success, prosperity, elevation and provision in all areas of my life, in the name of Jesus Christ.-
  •  I proclaim that my failures, humiliations, shames, embarrassments, curses, hostilities remain limited in the past year. A barrier now separates us, in the name of Jesus Christ.- 
  • I proclaim explosive miracles for every section of my life this year, in the name of Jesus Christ. - 
  • I proclaim that the renewal of my life experience explodes in this new year, in the name of Jesus Christ.

    Evangelist Zogbande Serge, extract from the Crossing 2020-2021 message

Blessed content for new container
EEFVA CANAAN 29 December 2023
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